Laurent ASSOULEN Teams Up with Givaudan

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Laurent ASSOULEN, pianist and composer, releases his new album : MUSC.
At the same time he will unveil the Olfactive and Musical display at the International Museum of Perfumery in Grasse through permanent exhibitions, to enhance his work of the perfumed concert, created in 2008 with the complicity of Guillaume Flavigny, perfumer of the prestigious house Givaudan
The New CD MUSC will be the Album of the day, on TSF (1st Jazz radio in France) on the 15th of Octobre
A noter : L'album est téléchargeable sur toutes les plateformes, référencé à la Fnac, disponible à l'achat sur le site (dédicacé sur demande) et en exclusivité dans la luxueuse Librairie du Magasin Louis Vuitton des Champs Elysées.
It is at the six years age that Laurent Assoulen enters to the National Conservatory of Lyon.
Ten years later, he understands that the jazz is the form most adapted to his freedom of thinking.
Following that, it resumes its musical studies and reinstates the Conservatory of Lyon (Jazz section) to study with Mario STANCHEV. He comes out 3 years from it later, graduate...

In love with the sounds, he studies, in parallel, the Foreign Languages at the University of Lyon (LEA). Definitively in love with the senses in their globality, his professional life is directed finally around the perfumes. He then becomes key account manager in an international company for creation of perfumes.
He is starting then his double life...
At the office, the day, he imagines with his perfumers, fragrances for the brands, the night it is on his piano that he dreams and composes, still inspired by his "perfumed blotters" of the day.
With his first album « reasonances », warmly welcomed by the press (MIDEM Artist 2008 and FNAC Artist) he comes back, 2 years later to his passion of perfume by analysing the musical correspondances.
He creates, with the famous company Givaudan, perfumes on the base of his own musical compositions.
The first perfumed concert is born (
Laurent ASSOULEN, pianiste et compositeur, sort son Nouvel Album : MUSC.
Au même moment, il inaugurera la Borne olfactive Musicale au Musée International du Parfum (Grasse) dans le cadre des expositions permanentes, pour mettre en valeur son travail autour du concert parfumé, crée en 2008 avec la complicité de Guillaume Flavigny, Parfumeur de la célèbre maison Givaudan